Catalyst 2030 España

Colaboración para alcanzar los ODS


Questions about Catalyst 2030 Chapters

What are Catalyst 2030 Chapters?

Catalyst 2030 builds local and regional advocacy through Country and Regional Chapters. These are facilitated by The Secretariat. Country Chapters focus on the social entrepreneur (SE) ecosystem in a particular country. The aim is to harness the expertise of SEs to enable policy changes needed for the sector to thrive in that country. Regional Chapters make it easy for SEs within defined geographic, cultural or language groupings to collaborate. The aim is to develop a localised movement of social entrepreneurs who can establish best practices for their specific region.

What is the Mission and Vision of Catalyst 2030 Chapters?

The Global and Regional Vision:
Global collective action is mobilised to transform key systems, culminating in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Our Common Mission:
Keeping people and nature at the centre, co-creating a multi-stakeholder movement to transform social entrepreneurship ecosystems and unleash our collective power for global systems change.

Where are the Catalyst 2030 Chapters located?

You can view a list of Catalyst 2030 Chapters on the Catalyst 2030 website.

What examples are there of how Chapters have collaborated?

Visit the Catalyst 2030 Collaborations page to view our collaborations.

What are the benefits of joining a Catalyst 2030 Chapter?

  • Chapters allow for country/regional advocacy for specific efforts pertaining to the SDGs.
  • Chapters are local versions of the global Catalyst 2030 community, taking responsibility for part of the organisation’s mission in a specific location.
  • Chapters will accelerate the achievement of SDGs in collaboration with government(s) and other key stakeholders.
  • They also strengthen existing ecosystems to ensure collaboration among social entrepreneurs.

What is the difference between Catalyst 2030 Working Groups and Chapter Subgroups?

Chapter Subgroups are made of members from a particular chapter, working together on current tasks required for the development of their Chapter (Local). These are different to Working Groups, which are groups of Catalyst 2030 members working on current tasks required for the development of Catalyst 2030 (Global).

What can I contribute to a local Chapter?

Global outcomes

  • At the global scale, Chapters help to ensure a definitive commitment from 75+ countries to further the scaling and integration of social enterprise in country and regional ecosystems.
  • Chapters can aid the creation of a UN special rapporteur/envoy of Secretary General for social entrepreneurs to accelerate a solutions mindset and facilitate the scaling of solutions globally.

Country and regional outcomes

  • Chapters will create an integrated approach to the country/region’s response to SDGs.
  • Chapters will adopt three to five social entrepreneurial solutions based on the country’s priorities and/or on a gap analysis to be carried out along with the country’s designated experts.
  • Commit to designating a national social entrepreneurs’ representative or ambassador at the ministerial level or equivalent.
  • Support social entrepreneurial solutions.

Ecosystem outcomes

  • Shift in donor mindset to ensure more money goes to systems change to accelerate the SDGs.
  • Publish the report of the initial impact of the Catalyst 2030 movement to show successful outcomes of methods and solutions.
  • Demonstrate having at least one or two solutions/scaling initiatives which have high public visibility and impact.

How does one join a Catalyst 2030 Chapter?

To join or create a Chapter email Susana Ramirez |  susanaspam

Do I need to pay any fee to become a member of Catalyst 2030?

No, there are no membership fees. We ask you to pay ‘in kind’ rather than ‘in cash’ by working in collaboration with us towards achieving the SDGs.

Questions about Catalyst 2030

What is the Catalyst 2030 movement?

Catalyst 2030 is a global movement of social change innovators. It comprises NGOs, social entrepreneurs, intermediaries, funders and other social change innovators, collaborating in this urgent moment to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

When was Catalyst 2030 founded and who is behind it?

Catalyst 2030 was started in July 2019 by leading social entrepreneurs from Ashoka, Echoing Green, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Skoll Foundation and other other global networks of social entrepreneurs and social innovators. The movement was officially launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020. A month later more than 80 co-founders held the inaugural meeting of Catalyst 2030 at the Althorp Estate in Northampton (UK) to craft a collective roadmap for the years ahead. It is currently being incubated by the One Family Foundation in Amsterdam (NL).

Where is it headquartered?

The secretariat of Catalyst 2030 is currently housed at One Family Foundation in Amsterdam.

How is Catalyst 2030 organised?

Catalyst 2030 is its membership – engaging and working together on progressing towards common goals.


  • General Assembly is made up of all members and is the cornerstone of Catalyst 2030 – it sets its direction and celebrates successes
  • Board develops the strategic plan based on agreed policy direction and drives its execution
  • Chief Facilitator is the shepherd of Catalyst 2030 and is working in the background; responsible for day-to-day operations
  • Local Chapters are member groups which take responsibility for part of the Catalyst 2030 mission in a country/region
  • Working Groups, consisting of members, set the direction and guide (a part of) a Catalyst function (e.g. Comms)
  • Impact Clusters cross-connect WGs within a core function
  • Task Forces are temporary member groups which take on a specific task for Catalyst 2030 (e.g. writing a report)
  • Issue-Based Groups arose from Issue-Based collaborations between Catalyst 2030 members.
  • Secretariat supports the organisation

For an overview, visit the Organisation page.

What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN - SDGs)?

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They include 169 targets that UN Member States have agreed to work towards achieving by the year 2030. More information on the SDGs can be found here.

What is social entrepreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is the combination of commerce with social issues. Social entrepreneurs aren’t only concerned with profits. Success is also defined by how their business improves the world. Unlike nonprofits, social entrepreneurship still earns a profit, but the focus is placed on the social or environmental change made while earning that profit.

How will Catalyst 2030 help to achieve the SDGs?

Being a growing collective of social innovators, Catalyst 2030 will facilitate the building of meaningful partnerships across regions, sectors and causes, amongst multiple stakeholders.

Catalyst 2030 has a dual objective of both changing the ecosystem and catalysing collaborations supported by a solid movement foundation.

  • Catalyse Collaboration: Improve connectivity and transparency between social entrepreneurs to achieve more partnerships and projects that accelerate progress of the SDGs.
  • Change the Ecosystem: Advocate with system partners for improvement of the ecosystem and changing the wider appreciation of what social entrepreneurs can bring.
  • Fuel the Movement: Engage external stakeholders to showcase achievements of the movement.
  • Build and Maintain the Movement Foundation: Co-create and operate the Catalyst 2030 support infrastructure, keep the movement thriving and members focused on impact.

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